Finding Family

My sister-in-law (once removed?) dropped in today with two of her sons, Tristan & Liam, on their way through our little borough. I haven’t seen Tammy for a decade or more, although we’ve kept in contact since we found each other on Facebook a couple of years ago.

They’re lovely boys, my nephews, and meeting them has again forced me to acknowledge with regret the relationships which have suffered with the ending of my first marriage, all of sixteen years ago. I’m so pleased we’ve all found each other again because it’s so very sad to lose contact, or feel you have to harbour resentments, to good people you once called family.

Like it or not, Facebook is an absolute gem for finding people you’ve lost contact with and reigniting relationships which, for one reason or another, have burnt out. It’s why I’m such an unashamedly vocal fan of it.

Tammy, it was wonderful to see you again, and I’ll hold you to your promise you’ll make it up here in a couple of weeks with your mum 🙂 Have a great holiday.

1 Comment

  • As much as I moan about it, I like facebook a lot too. I am so glad you got to catch up with your relatives.
    I have cousins (technically ex step cousins) and an (ex)aunty who I don’t get to see anymore. I am lucky because we’re in touch on facebook and we still call each other “cuz”. They’re the closest things I have to “first” cousins on my mum’s side of the family and I value that interaction.

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