There Were Three In The Bed & The Big One Fled…
by“I. Need. Sleep.”
The blog posts which probably mean more to us than you. Our day to day stuff which, one day, our kids will look back on and laugh at. Or use in court. Or talk about with their psychiatrists.
“I. Need. Sleep.”
More and more I’m realizing much of my knowledge of the universe all its wonders comes from somewhere quite removed from the more traditional classrooms.
The great thing about young kids is they aren’t teenagers yet, so you get to impress them with your smarts and logic, and they listen to your every word. In theory.
Given it’s Sunday, this post seems appropriate. Or inappropriate. One of them.
I’m such a good parent that even when I’m taking a less-than-standoverish supervisory role, good things happen.
“I’m going to school tomorrow,” Master10 announced tonight. He’d been home for two days with stabbing pains in the stomach which even had us at the hospital at one point.
How can two groups of people hear the same nine words and take away completely different meanings? Easy, when one group is made up of my children.
I usually only get involved in the kids’ playing when the yelling starts. So it’s odd, and fortunate, that I overheard their conversation as I walked back up to the lounge room to watch some Firefly.
Thursday night found us sitting around a fire in our backyard with our neighbours and talking, naturally, about kids.
The final stage in that all important milestone – kids wiping their own bums.
Do you ever find yourself arguing with you partner just because you can?
You know that thing where it’s all going so well you really hope someone is watching and then your kids step in and change that?
I have never understood how people can’t smell themselves.
My dad has a habit of showing up even when he’s not here.
Sitting in the kitchen with a cup of tea, I smiled to myself. And for once it wasn’t because the kids were outside and I was inside.